The Gruesome Game of the Gator Ghoul

The gang visits Ma and Pa Skillet at the Hokeyfenokee Swamp where Scooby-Doo is rejoined with his cousin Scooby-Dum for the first time since they were puppies. The Skillets are famous throughout Georgia for their Showboat restaurant and their two specialties: Ma’s super-spicy funky fritters and Pa’s Fenokee Fizz. The Skillets’ once-thriving business is nearing bankruptcy thanks to the Ghost of the Gator Ghoul. . . . The peaceful metropolis, Big City, U.S.A., is unaware that danger lurks in the sinister figure of the Gimmick, a nefarious criminal who uses crude Rube Goldberg devices to serve his diabolical purposes. The Blue Falcon and the mechanical Dynomutt, Dog Wonder, pose as the rich proprietors of an art gallery until it’s time to fight crime. F.O.C.U.S. One alerts them to the newest danger: the Gimmick is robbing Big City Bank. But it turns out the Gimmick has a scheme beyond just stealing money. His true target will be the treasures of Prince Ringpur of Panistan; but not until …